
We ship orders to virtually every country in the world! Your order is usually shipped within one business day.

Free Shipping

Spend US$50 or more for free worldwide shipping. If your order is below US$50 the shipping is US$5 flat fee.

Orders will be delivered directly to your home or to the nearest post office. Delivery time is usually around 1-2 weeks to most countries. The tracking code will be sent to you by email after the order has been shipped. Please note that during holidays and other peak shipping seasons the delivery time may be longer than estimated.

EU Duties & Taxes

If you live in the EU a value-added tax (VAT) will be added to your order during checkout. You will not have to pay any extra tax when the order arrives.

Duties & Taxes for other countries

Japan Candy Store is based in Japan and all orders are shipped directly from our warehouse in Hong Kong. Your order may be subject to tariffs, duties, and value-added tax (VAT) when it arrives in your country. These fees are not included in the product prices.