The Long Secrets of Sakeru Gummy!
Sakeru Gummy is a yummy Japanese candy that you can eat and play with. Made by UHA Mikakuto, this Japanese gummy is known for its unique candy feature - you can tear each piece into long strips before eating them! Not only that, but Sakeru Gummy also has a lot of funny and iconic “Long Long Man” commercials that have helped them stand out from the crowd.
Yummy and unique, these gummies are definitely a must-try treat for any Japanese pop culture fan! Are you ready to peel back into the story of Sakeru Gummy? Get ready, because it’s going to be a sweet and stringy adventure.
- Japanese name: さけるグミ (sakeru gumi)
- Type of candy: Gummy candy
- Manufacturer: UHA Mikakuto
- Fun fact: Sakeru gummy commercials have won major film awards!
That’s simple! As the name implies, Sakeru Gummy is a gummy candy. It’s not the boring kind of gummy though! Innovative and playful, these Japanese gummy candies are designed to be peeled into long, thin strips. You can share these strips with friends, or eat them slowly one by one on your own! Sakeru Gummy makes eating candy yummy and fun!
Did you know that sakeru is actually the Japanese word for tear? That’s right! Sakeru Gummy candy was actually named after the fact that you could tear the treats into long strips before eating them. They’d be named Tear Gummy if you translated Sakeru Gummy into English. Read on to learn more about this gummy or go ahead and check out our Sakeru Gummy collection!
These gummy candies might seem a bit like clay when you see them being torn into strips, but yes, you can most certainly eat Sakeru Gummy. They’re gummies, they’re meant to be eaten! Sakeru Gummy candies are perfect for those moments when you’re craving something sweet with a touch of fun. They’re an exciting new candy experience for Japanese snack fanatics.
Sakeru Gummy is the product of Japanese candy maker, UHA Mikakuto. What does UHA mean? Good question! UHA actually stands for Unique Human Adventure. Established in 1949, this Japanese candy company wants people to have unique experiences when they eat food. It specializes in creating food that’s delicious and inventive!
This is the reason why Sakeru Gummy is such a unique treat. UHA Mikakuto wants its customers to have the best candy experience! Other UHA Mikakuto products like Kogumi, Puccho chewy candy, and Kororo gummy also try to offer fun and innovative snacking experiences.
Japanese people love fruits that’s why most of the time Sakeru Gummy candies taste like an explosion of fruity goodness! These Japanese gummies usually come in different fruit flavors like Kyoho grape, red apple, orange, peach, and golden kiwi.
Sometimes though Sakeru Gummy has special drink flavors like cola, apple juice, and probiotic drinks. Whatever pack of Sakeru Gummy you choose, we can promise you that it’s going to be a vibrant flavor that makes you want to eat more.
That’s easy! A Sakeru Gummy pack has torn ridges, so you just have to use your fingers to tear open each pack. But did you know that there are actually two different kinds of Sakeru Gummy packs that you can acquire? That's right, there are two kinds of Sakeru Gummies to play with!
The first is a bag of multiple individually packed short gummy strips that you can share with friends. The second is a single pack containing one very looong, looong, gummy which can measure up to 40 centimeters in length. Whichever you choose, we’re sure you’ll still have a good time tearing each piece into strips and gobbling them up!
Here's where the real fun begins! You can eat Sakeru Gummy in two different ways. First, there's the "standard" way, where you enjoy it as a regular gummy candy. Just gobble it up straight. There’s no harm in eating Sakeru Gummy the normal way.
But the unique twist? You can peel it into long, thin strips – creating a playful experience that's as enjoyable as the flavor itself. So, whether you munch it down or savor it strip by strip, you're in for a treat.
Because of its versatility, Japanese snackers have learned to enjoy Sakeru Gummy candies in so many different ways. In Japan, people use these special gummy candies to create innovative edible crafts. There are so many different crafting tutorials for Sakeru Gummy online!
Some people turn Sakeru Gummy into braids, some turn them into special lollipops, others turn them into charms. There are even some videos that take crafting to the next level by using Sakeru Gummy to create special fish art! Each one makes eating Sakeru Gummy especially fun!
Remember the Long Long Man we mentioned in the intro? Well, this iconic character comes from UHA Mikakuto’s series of unique and funny Sakeru Gummy commercials. Named “Sakeru Gummy vs Long Long Man,” the commercial series is about 11 episodes long. It tells the story of Chi-chan and Tooru-san, a couple that loves snacking on Sakeru Gummy candy.
In the series, the love birds always end up meeting with Long Long Man, a mysterious man who’s always eating a longer version of the candy! Chi-chan soon becomes enamored with Long Long Man. The series takes some hilarious twists and turns when the couple breaks up because of him. Then, when Chi-chan and Tooru-san get back together, on their wedding day Long Long Man reveals that it was Tooru he loved all along!
Funny and surprising, “Sakeru Gummy vs Long Long Man” became a viral sensation. It was so well-loved that it even won the Silver Lion at the 2018 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity! It also won the 2018 TCC Advertising Award Grand Prix, the ACC Tokyo Creativity Awards 2018, and the Bronze Award at the 2019 Adfest. No wonder people still think about Long, Long Man to this day!
Sakeru Gummy is an icon in the world of Japanese gummy candy. That’s why a lot of companies like working together with the brand! Sakeru Gummy has tied up with QOO for special flavors like QOO Apple and QOO Orange Juice.
It’s also collaborated with Disney, producing special packages for Twisted Wonderland and even for Marvel! The Marvel collab gave Japanese snack enthusiasts special Sakeru Gummies with Marvel prints on them. It was a pretty heroic team-up if you ask us.
In 2021, the six biggest gummy companies in Japan decided to hold a special gummy day called Gummit. This gummy day was meant to showcase the unique experiences that Japanese gummies can offer. The companies that joined Gummit were Kasugai, Kanro, Nippon Ale, Candy AGOGO, and Kabaya.
For Gummy Day, UHA Mikakuto decided to have Sakeru Gummy collaborate with the anime Uchu Nanchara Kotetsukun. The two made a special campaign asking fans this one question - How many times do you have to roll "Sakeru Gummy" to reach the moon? The company also hosted the Gummification project together with popular YouTubers Himahima-san, Ruri Aoi, Kaede Sasaki, and Yuzuno Kokubo.
In December 2020, UHA Mikakuto decided to hold a big Sakeru Party with kiddie and family YouTube creators from Japan. The project showcased a competition between YouTubers on how long they can stretch a Sakeru Gummy! Multiple YouTubers joined in on the fun, inviting the subscribers to try out different games using Sakeru Gummy.
In Japan, you can find Sakeru Gummy everywhere! You can find Sakeru Gummy candies in konbinis, supermarkets, and Japanese candy shops. They can be a little bit hard to find outside of Japan but you don’t have to worry. We have all the different kinds of Sakeru Gummy packs here in our Sakeru Gummy collection on Japan Candy Store! Just order as much as you’d like and we’ll ship them straight to your doorstep.
So there you have it. That’s everything you need to know about the long and stringy candy, Sakeru Gummy and its iconic character, the Long Long Man. A unique and creative treat, this gummy from UHA Mikakuto has a special place in Japanese candy culture.
Did you enjoy learning about UHA Mikakuto’s most unique gummy treat? Which Long Long Man commercial do you like the most? Have you ever tried any Sakeru Gummy flavor? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. Till the next time, have a good okashi day!